Could templates in std.algorithm be expanded to have an optional
thread-count compile-time argument? Maybe they'd be used like so:

import std.stdio;
import std.array;
import std.range;
import std.functional;

enum Threads
    x1 = 1,
    x2 = 2,
    x3 = 3,
    x4 = 4,  // etc..

void main()
    int[] data = [1, 2, 3];
    count!("a < 0", Threads.x4)(data);

size_t count(alias pred = "true", alias th = Threads.x1, Range)(Range
r) if (isInputRange!(Range))
    static if (th == Threads.x1)
        // call normal count
        // call parallel count
    return -1;

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