On 21/05/11 7:02 AM, Russel Winder wrote:
I disagree that it is useless.  It is interesting on two grounds:

1.  If you have any sort of idea about what they are actually measuring
and are careful no to over-infer, it is a very interesting measure of
what is interesting to people in the Web-verse.  It is a measure of

It doesn't measure buzz.

What are the 'buzz' languages at the moment? Clojure and Scala are both definitely buzzing at the moment and generating a lot of interest on the web, yet Scala isn't in the top 50 and Clojure isn't even in the top 100.

If you can show me in any way how the programming language "Avenue" is buzzing more than Clojure (or is more popular on any measure) then I'll be impressed.

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