On 2011-05-29 18:43, Daniel Gibson wrote:
> Am 30.05.2011 03:40, schrieb Jose Armando Garcia:
> > On Sun, May 29, 2011 at 10:19 PM, Daniel Gibson <metalcae...@gmail.com> 
> >> [OT:] What is assert(false); supposed to do, anyway?
> >> I think I've read it's supposed to terminates the program immediately
> >> without any cleanups (which is unfortunate for a logging library - at
> >> least destructors and scope guards should be executed so e.g. database
> >> connections are cleanly closed).
> >> I just tried it (with dmd 2.053 on linux) and it seems that normally an
> >> AssertError is thrown on assert(false) (or assert(0)), but when compiled
> >> with dmd -release I get a segfault..
> >> Furthermore I couldn't find any documentation on the assert(0) special
> >> case on the homepage (apart from posts in the NG).
> > 
> > http://d-programming-language.org/expression.html#AssertExpression
> Thanks. Strange that the site-search on digitalmars.com/d/ didn't find
> this when searching for "assert(0)".

I don't think that the site search includes _anything_ in the documentation. I 
have no idea why. But from what I can tell, the search skips the documentation 
entirely. It's quite annoying really.

- Jonathan M Davis

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