On Jun 1, 11 02:12, eles wrote:
== Quote from Andrei Alexandrescu (seewebsiteforem...@erdani.org)'s
On 5/31/11 11:10 AM, eles wrote:
I hope some day someone would not have to write a paper like
drdobbs.com/blogs/cpp/228701625 but targetting... D's biggest
was to use open-limit on the right.
I sure wish that were the biggest mistake! :o)

Maybe you are right and there are others, too.

Is off-topic, but I won't understand why D did not choose to
explicitly declare intentions of "break" or "fall" after branches in
switch statements (while dropping implicit "fall").

It won't break existing or inherited (from C) code. It will just
signal that it is illegal and force the programmer to revise it and
to make sure it behaves as intended.

This has been discussed a lot of times before. See http://digitalmars.com/d/archives/digitalmars/D/About_switch_case_statements..._101110.html#N101112.

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