"Timon Gehr" <timon.g...@gmx.ch> wrote in message 
> @Article: A very good read, it does not get boring even though it is quite 
> long. I
> like it.

Thanks :)

> Small nitpick:
> mixin(declareInterface("IGizmo", "Gizmo!(numPorts, isSpinnable)"));
> It seems like this should be a mixin template, not a string mixin. Also 
> you
> wouldn't normally want to specify ThisType. Use typeof(this):
> mixin template declareInterface(string interfaceName){
>    mixin(`enum _this_implements_interface_`~interfaceName~`=true;`);
>    mixin(`static assert(
>               is`~interfaceName~`!(typeof(this)),
>               "This type fails to implement `~interfaceName~`"
>           );`
>    );
> }
> and then you do just:
> mixin declareInterface!"IGizmo";

I like the idea, but I just tried it and when I do that, 'isIGizmo' doesn't 
seem to be able to find the '_this_implements_interface_IGizmo' (using DMD 
2.053). But, I wonder if that approach might be getting a little too fancy 
for this anyway. That would definitely be the right way to go for a real 
library, but for the article, the simpler it is to understand how it works, 
the better, and putting string mixins inside a template mixin is more to 
understand than just a string mixin (of course, I'm using CTFE too, but 
that's probably conceptually simpler for most people than template mixins).

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