On Thu, 02 Jun 2011 06:21:28 -0400, Timon Gehr <timon.g...@gmx.ch> wrote:

Steven Schveighoffer wrote:
There is always dcollections (has both Hash- and TreeSet).  It is boost
1.0, so feel free to steal anything to propose for std.container (in fact, RedBlackTree is from dcollections). Note that I'm nowhere near an expert
on hashing, so I'm not sure how it will perform against AAs.  I know it
does beat them using my custom allocator, but that's not a truly fair
comparison -- AA's could be written with a custom allocator too.


Well, how? Since an 'in' expression returns an internal pointer into the AA for
value types, they cannot do better than to rely on GC.
This rules out heavy AA use for real-time applications. I think AAs are broken.

What is the issue here? Are you saying you can use the pointer after destroying the element, because you can't. AA's free an element when it is removed.

BTW, dcollections' custom allocator does use the GC, it just uses it in bulk instead of allocating for each node.


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