Walter Bright Wrote:

> On 6/7/2011 9:01 AM, foobar wrote:
> > Also ML has only two types: integers and floating point.
> That changes everything. C has 11 integer types and 3 floating point types, 
> which makes it ugly (and surprisingly buggy) to be forced to explicitly cast 
> when doing mixed type expressions.

Personally I think that all those types are redundant but regardless I don't 
think that int -> long is the same as int -> double.
you can leave the size promotion rules untouched (implicit) since it's 
equivalent to upcasting. integral -> floating can however cause loss of 
precision and hence should be IMO explicit. 
E.g. in pseudo D:

auto add (a, b) { return a + b; }
int a = ...;
long b = ...;
auto c = add (a, b); 
// type for both parameters and return type is long
double d = ...;
auto e = add (a, d); // IMO, compile time error

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