On 11/06/2011 12:54, Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:
Consider two statements:

1. "I dislike Flag. It looks ugly to me."

This statement holds true for me.

2. "I dislike Flag. Instead I want named arguments."

This one is perhaps true. I've never needed named arguments.

There is little retort to (1) - it simply counts as a vote against. For
(2) the course of action is to point out the liabilities of changing the


So I had an idea.

struct Flag
    static bool opDispatch(string n)()
        static if (n[0..2] == "no")
            return false;
            return true;

void myFunc(bool foo, bool bar)

void main()
    myFunc(Flag.foo, Flag.noBar);

 * No ugly templates
 * Self documenting
 * No overhead (dmd can inline it to myFunc(true, false))
 * Caller decides if they want it


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