Sorry for the late answer I was sick, and thanks for the fix!
It works indeed! :)

Now... on onto other bugs! :)

"Andrei Alexandrescu" wrote in message news:itst81$1qbe$

On 6/22/11 5:02 AM, Lloyd Dupont wrote:
Hi Andrei,

Thanks for the quick fix and work around! :)

Mm.. unfortunately Variant.init can be on either side of the equality,
depending on the circumstances...
I'll have to learn how to get the latest D compiler from the sources.. :~
Is there a wiki HowTo somewhere?

Not yet. But as a simple recourse I was simply suggesting you do surgery
on your installation. Pop your editor, open /your/install/path/variant.d
and insert that code. No need to change stdio.d, just variant.d. The
next release will contain the fix anyway.

Good luck,


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