On 6/29/11 2:02 AM, James Fisher wrote:
On Tue, Jun 28, 2011 at 10:39 PM, Nick Sabalausky <a@a.a> wrote:

    The main problem with D is that there's too many people with their lists
    about what's wrong with D, and not enough willing to actually jump
    in and
    help out. I'm sorry if I come across a bit harsh, but we seriously get
    another one of these "What's wrong with D" lists every few weeks
    (and each
    one seems more out-of-date than the last) and hardly any of the people
    writing them have ever actually made any real contributions besides just
    complaints. If you're going to help out, then fantastic, and welcome
    But if not, then please understand that we already have more volunteer
    supervisors than we need, so that sort of thing gets very
    frustrating for
    those of us dedicating our own time and effort for free to actually
    accomplish all the goals.

Well, sure I'm willing to help.  The reason I started out like this was
to gauge whether these problems were actually seen to be problems by the
community -- you get a lot of projects that are so inward-facing that
suggestions that it should be otherwise are taken as insults.

While my coding abilities aren't bad, I figure that's not what I'm best
helping with here.  Key things I'd suggest I could help with are:

    * A simple D brand identity.  Nothing complex, just an official
      pronouncement that "this is our logo/logotype, this is our color
      palette, these are the one or two fonts we use, here's how we
      describe ourselves, here are some simple guidelines on how to
      build a D-branded site/document".  This could be hashed out and
      maintained in a small GH repo.
    * Applying that to d-programming-language.org
    * Coming up with a long list of D community
      sites/wikis/tutorials/howtos/documentation/link lists.
        Identifying projects that overlap domains and drumming up
      support for these to be merged into the most popular of them or
      into d-programming-language.org
      <http://d-programming-language.org>.  **I do think this is possible!**

While I'm just a volunteer, based on my experience I believe that contributions in these areas would be welcomed and very useful.

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