Hello Robert

As I try adding more code, I get into more and more issues with integral
parameters. See the following code:

- Puneet

// File implicit.d
alias int R;
// alias size_t R;
struct Foo (R N) {
  version(v1) {void opAssign (R NN)(Foo!NN f) {/*do nothing*/}}
  version(v2) {void opAssign (T:Foo!NN, R NN)(T f) {/*do nothing*/}}
  @property Foo!(I) range(R I)() {return Foo!(I)();}
void main() {
  Foo!4 foo1;
  Foo!7 foo2;
  foo2 = foo1; // compiles with both v2 and v1/(only when R is aliased to
  foo2 = foo1.range!4; // compiles with v1/int and v2/int -- does not
compile with R alias to size_t
  foo2 = foo1.range!2; // compiles only with v1/int -- does not compile with
v2 at all

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