eles wrote:
> ...
> It does not mean that "dormant" bugs like overflows cannot exist and,
> in the long run, they could be as dangerous (for example, they may
> also lead to memory corruption if "positive index" becomes...
> negative - ie. overflows). Besides, yes, memory corruption is a
> dangerous bug but the fact that this has been addressed does not
> means that other source of bugs should now be neglected. Finally,
> "typically" is a bit subjective here, it depends on each one's
> experience.

See http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kYUrqdUyEpI
for some experience in turning off some Ada overflow checks in a buggy system.

The problem is that such dormant bugs may be deadly when they occur.
They don't occur during debug runs, but mess up the released application.

The best way to get a reliable and well-performing system is to write correct
code. :o)
(You can also install some higher-level error detection and correction 


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