On Fri, 08 Jul 2011 07:53:20 -0400, Regan Heath <re...@netmail.co.nz> wrote:

On Fri, 08 Jul 2011 10:49:08 +0100, Walter Bright <newshou...@digitalmars.com> wrote:

On 7/8/2011 2:26 AM, Regan Heath wrote:
Why can't we have the
compiler call it automatically whenever we pass a string, or char[] to an extern
"C" function, where the parameter is defined as char*?

Because char* in C does not necessarily mean "zero terminated string".

Sure, but in many (most?) cases it does. And in those cases where it doesn't you could argue ubyte* or byte* should have been used in the D extern "C" declaration instead. Plus, in those cases, worst case scenario, D passes an extra \0 byte to those functions which either ignore it because they were also passed a length, or expect a fixed sized structure, or .. I don't know what as I can't imagine another case where char* would be used without it being a "zero terminated string", or passing/knowing the length ahead of time.

D is already allocating an extra \0 byte for string constants right? And, I assume, toStringz is already clever enough to detect cases where there is already a \0 in the correct position, or utilises the existing preallocated space remaining in a dynamic array, making it almost a no-op. The only case it actually does any work is a dynamic or static array which is full. In the former case the array is resized, and I'm not sure about the latter but I suspect it's more expensive. So, it seems the cost of this is very low.

What about a template function that does this automatically? I'm thinking something like opDispatch:

extern(C) foo(const(char)* c);

struct CCall
auto opDispatch(string call, S...)(S args) if(call is a C function (can check this somehow?) )
/* determine which args of S are char[], and translate them to zero-terminated */


string s;

I personally think, barring this idea, the best path is simply to wrap C functions you want to call with toStringz'd versions.


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