Does dmd crash or does the resulting app?  If the former, then please file a 
bug report.  The validity of the code isn't relevant.

On Jul 12, 2011, at 9:41 AM, d coder <> wrote:

> Also found that if I take out the "size_t N" template parameter, it works 
> fine with dmd-2.054 too. So the following test code compiles and runs just 
> fine:
> import std.stdio;
> struct Foo(IF/*, size_t N*/) {}
> interface Bar {}
> void main() {
>   void printFoo(T: Foo!(IF/*, N*/), IF/*, size_t N*/)(T foo)
>     if(is(IF == interface)) {
>     writeln("Type: ", T.stringof);
>   }
>   Foo!(Bar/*, 1*/) foo;
>   printFoo(foo);
> }

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