Mark Chu-Carroll is a first class programmer and more. He's leaving Google and 
writes about what's good in it. Here he explains in a very simple way why 
coding standards are good:

He talks just about the coding standards of one firm, so he forgets to talk 
about a related but in my opinion equally important point. If I take a look at 
Delphi code, C code, C++ code, I see everything, every coding style, naming 
convention, and many other differences, that make me harder to read and 
understand their code.

If I take a look at Python code written by ten different people I see much more 
uniformity. This uniformity is part of the Python culture, its PEP8 ) is a coding standard that instead of 
being just Google-wide is language-wide. This allows me to understand Python 
code in less time, to copy and use functions, classes, modules, packages and 
libraries written by other people and use them in my code (in C# the situation 
is intermediate. I see more uniformity compared to C++ code, but less than 
Python code).

Go language even comes with a source code formatter that is used often to 
format code. I think they have learnt well that Google lesson :-)

Even Scala seems about to do something similar:


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