On 2011-07-19 03:58, Nick Sabalausky wrote:
3. Orb invokes the build process to build foo (BTW, how is that "how to
build" commandline string  specified in the orbspec? The closest thing I see
is the "build" field, but it looks like that's just the name of the tool
used. An actual command line string is going to be needed.)

Yes, it's the name of the build tool to invoke. By default it has support for a couple of build tools and knows how to invoke them. Example:

To invoke Make it would just be "make". To invoke DSSS it would be "dsss build".

In addition to that the "build" field accepts a variable argument list with arguments to the build tool. Example:

build :make, "-f foo.mak"

Would invoke "make -f foo.mak".

One of the known build tools is "shell" which basically lets you run arbitrary commands. Example:

build :shell, "./build_my_app.sh"
build :shell, "rdmd --build-only main.d".

What about projects that don't use "{project_root}" as the include
directory? My projects, for instance, typically use "{project_root}/src".

Actually I don't think this will be a problem. The working directory when installing a package will look the same as the project directory where you created the package.


1. You have all source files in "{project_root}/src". When you build the package, from "{project_root}", it will create a "src" directory in the package and all you source files will be in this directory.

2. When the package is to be installed the package manager extracts the package and you will have the "src" folder in the working directory/a temp directory.

3. The package manager will execute the build command from the working directory. So the build system you have chosen just needs to find the "src" folder relative to the working directory.

Lets take Make as an example, because it's a tool that exists and we know how it works. Either you have the makefile in the working directory (the original place was the project root). Or it will be in the "src" directory.

This is how the orbspec will look like when the makefile is in the root folder:

build :make

Or when the makefile is in the "src" folder:

build :make, "-f src/makefile"

/Jacob Carlborg

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