On Wed, 20 Jul 2011 00:25:58 +0900, Robert Jacques <sandf...@jhu.edu> wrote:

On Tue, 19 Jul 2011 10:19:09 -0400, Masahiro Nakagawa <repeate...@gmail.com> wrote:

On Tue, 19 Jul 2011 22:57:47 +0900, Trass3r <u...@known.com> wrote:

I am interested in Concurrent GC.

But, I have a question about CDGC.
AFAIK, other language runtimes use thread for concurrent processing.
Why use fork()? What is the merit of fork() approach?

I don't know.
On Windows you can't use fork anyway and we have to figure out an
alternative way.

Maybe he explains it in his thesis, but it's only available in Spanish:

Thanks for the link!
But, I didn't read Spanish...

snapshot GC

I have heard this by "A Real-Time Garbage Collection for Java using Snapshot Algorithm". I understand a basic mechanism(above article uses a thread instead of fork()).
Hmm... I want to see a comparison of fork() and thread.

There are two other alternative, modern GCs that I know of which fit system programming languages like D. One used a kernel patch to trap hardware writes efficiently, allowing one to bolt a traditional concurrent GC onto a system's language. Which, while cool, isn't practical until OS APIs support it out of the box. The other is thread-local GCs, which according to Apple, have roughly equivalent performance to existing concurrent GCs. Given shared and immutable, thread-local GC's make a lot of sense for D and can be combined with other concurrent options should they be/become available.

I didn't know the former. Thanks for the information.

Latter approach is similar to Erlang.
Erlang provides GC per-process and I like this approach.
Is Thread-local GC in D realistic?
D allows global mutable state...

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