On 8/10/11 11:09 AM, Marco Leise wrote:
With the recent ORM and RegEx projects dissecting SQL statements and
regular expressions turning them into D code, I am impressed by the
possibilities of CTFE. Where are the limitations to this system? An
unlikely example would be a C compiler within CTFE that takes a string
of C source code and turns it into a D mixin. Is that possible?

Yah, that would be possible (albeit difficult). I think, however, that better applications of CTFE are not for translating full-blown languages into D. Instead, the best added value would be to translate small DSLs into D code. Examples include:

* regex (I'm very glad Dmitry found the time to implement that - static regexen will long serve as a poster child of CTFE's power);

* SQL - embedded SQL integrated perfectly with D data would be awesome and relatively easy to define;

* Tokenizers (think lex);

* Parsers (think yacc, antlr etc);

* String interpolation (think Python's format, printf-style format parsed statically etc);

* Make :o);

* Protocol description;

* Automata, transducers of various kinds;

* and more.

I hope Dmitry's work will mark a growing trend of defining DSLs in D.


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