On Fri, 12 Aug 2011 05:12:47 -0400, Jacob Carlborg <d...@me.com> wrote:

On 2011-08-12 00:42, Martin Nowak wrote:
It really looks sound to me.

module myfile;
pragma(imppath, "dep=www.dpan.org/dep");
import dep.a;

remote file
module dep.a;

// link directives
pragma(libpath, "dep=www.dpan.org/dep");
pragma(lib, "dep");

// or alternatively some new pragma like this to cause linking the
imported package
pragma(build, "dep")

// additional dependency
pragma(imppatch, "dep2=www.dpan.org/dep2");

Versioning can be easily resolved by using urls like
www.dpan.org/dep?version=0.45 or www.dpan.org/dep-greaterthan-0.45.

- scales from local dependencies to VPN sharing to package websites to
even dynamically generated source code
- simple implementation compilerwise

We will be very dependent on Walter or anyone else that knows the compiler, which, as far as I know, are quite few. I'm not sure if anything _is_ simple in the compiler.

This is not true. The compiler implements *hooks* for a download tool. The download tool will be a separate process which turns urls (generated by the compiler) into source files. Once the hooks are implemented, the tool is independent, and we would be idiotic not to implement it in D.

I think you may not have read the DIP fully, or it is not clear enough.


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