On 8/14/11 10:33 AM, Jakob Ovrum wrote:
On 2011/08/15 0:28, dsimcha wrote:
I think this is an absolutely terrible idea, unless it has an "I know
what I'm doing, let me cast away the safety" loophole. Consider the case
of designing a D wrapper for C functionality.

// C, we know it doesn't escape its parameters but the compiler doesn't.
void cFun(int* a, int* b);

What if it was allowed if the parameters were explicitly marked scope?

void cFun(scope int* a, scope int* b);

I can imagine it being a proper inconvenience most of the time though,
with many libraries not escaping a lot at all, you'd have to mark pretty
much everything scope manually.

Exactly. Using scope has been part of the discussion, and our agreement was that it would be a lot of burden to require manual scope annotations for non-escaping parameters.


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