A not too much serious post fit for a slow Sunday :-)

Time ago I have half-seriously suggested the "static static", to be used to 
define a static variable that is static (shared) for all instantiations of one 
function template. With it you avoid a global variable, and you have the 
advantages of a static variable:

auto foo(T)(T x) {
    static static int n = 0;
    return x * n;

I have found another use case for static static :-)

You know this idiom, a helper function that helps the instantiation of a struct 
template (sometimes the static struct Foo is defined inside foo):

struct Foo(T) {
    T x;
Foo!U foo(U)(U x_) {
    return Foo!U(x_);
void main() {
    Foo!int f1 = foo(1);
    Foo!double f2 = foo(1.5);

If opCall is static static, then I think you are allowed to write:

struct Foo(T) {
    T x;
    static static Foo!U opCall(U)(U x_) {
        return Foo!U(x_);
void main() {
    Foo!int f1 = Foo(1);
    Foo!double f2 = Foo(1.5);

You have just one name (not foo and Foo), and Foo is a global (template) name 
(it's not hidden inside foo). And I like it being a single piece, instead of 

The body of static static member functions doesn't get copied for each template 
instantiation, this helps reduce template bloat a bit.


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