dav1d wrote:
>Jonas Drewsen Wrote:
>> Hi all,
>>     This is a review request for the curl wrapper. Please read the 
>> "known issues" in the top of the source file and if possible suggest
>> a solution.
>> We also need somebody for running the review process. Anyone?
>> Code:
>>      https://github.com/jcd/phobos/blob/curl-wrapper/etc/curl.d      
>> Docs:
>>      http://freeze.steamwinter.com/D/web/phobos/etc_curl.html
>> Demolish!
>> /Jonas
>At first a little story, to skip it just begin reading after the
>paragraph. I'm still a D "beginner", I set myself as goal translating
>an already written Python lib into D, which isn't easy with broken
>"std.json" etc. so I was quite happy when I found etc.curl (#curl on
>freenode linked me there). Well I was a bit surprised when I saw Http
>is a struct, anyway it works and looks good. So while I was working I
>encountered that the website I sent the requests to always gave me
>error codes, I was wondering why, I set _all_ headers correctly
>(checked it twice) (Yeah I've to set a "Cookie" Header...) and the
>requests also looked correct .. so I started Wireshark sniffing what
>actually is beeing sent .. I realized: not a single Header is sent,
>WTF, so I took another look in the code and I went crazy ..
>Setting headers to the Http struct works .. but if you call .post a
>Result struct is created and just one Header "Content-Type" is passed
>to it and then you .postData gets called on the Result struct. (look
>at the name .. it should contain the result and not send the request).
>This behavour is undocumented and totally ridiculous. 
>I'm coming from Python, Pythons urrlib hasn't the best api (well some
>might say the api sucks) but etc.curl is on top of that.
>My personal opinion is rewrite this module or dont put it in the
>std.lib, if you do, this will confuse and drive lots of people crazy.

Well, your problem is caused by two things: The API docs are not very
detailed here and D allows static methods to be called on
instances, which can be confusing.

The post method is a static method, so it can't use headers you've set
with addHeader/setHeader. If you use an Http instance like this:

Http client = Http("http://google.com";);
client.addHeader("Test", "Header");

you _must not_ call client.post()
instead you have to set the method property and use perform:

client.method = Http.Method.post; //AFAIK post is default, so you can
                                  //skip this line

The post/get/put methods are only convenience methods with very limited
functionality. They only exist to make simple requests with one line of

Johannes Pfau

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