"Walter Bright" <newshou...@digitalmars.com> wrote in message 
> On 8/19/2011 8:12 AM, Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:
>> One thing I'd subjectively like is to require braces on both branches of 
>> if/else
>> if at least one has braces.
> It's rather simple to just disallow the form:
>     if (a) if (b) statement
>            ^ error: use if(a&&b) or if(a){if(b)statement}
> and not even pay attention if there's a dangling else or not. I've always 
> viewed things like:
>     if (a)
>       if (b)
>          ...
>     ...
> with suspicion, anyway, dangling else or not.

Oh god no, don't ban that. I *like* to do that sort of thing:

foreach(x; 0..100)
foreach(y; 0..100)
if(blah blah long thing)
if(simple unrelated condition)
if(hell, maybe even another)

Absolutely beats the hell out of:

    foreach(x; 0..100)
        foreach(y; 0..100)
            if(blah blah long thing with the simple unrelated
            condition requiring ugly line breaks and screwy
            formattng/alignment in a big pita to read
            uber-expression. fuck this shit. It looks ok
            in english, but in code the damn thing reads like a fucking 

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