On 08/26/2011 02:38 PM, Adam Ruppe wrote:
My pet feature request could do this too. User defined attributes
combined with a list of functions called by a function.


@custom("mysafe") void foo() {}
void bar() {}

@custom("mysafe") void main() {

CheckCustomSafety!("mysafe", main);

template CheckCustomSafety(string attribute, alias func) {
     static if(!__traits(hasCustomAttribute(func, attribute))
            pragma(error, func.stringof ~ " is not " ~ attribute);

       foreach(f; __traits(getCalledFunctions, func))
             CheckCustomSafety!(attribute, f);


And throw in an or for trusted.

The reason I want this is to check for things more like custom
purity, but I think it'd work for your custom safety too.

(and user defined attributes are just useful for other things too!)

The biggest problem I see with using my idea is the error
message will probably suck.

I think it could be possible to provide decent error messages, by providing some means (via traits) to get line and file numbers of the calls. The biggest problem I see with this design is, that only functions reachable from main will be checked. I'd rather see something in the lines of

__traits(declareCustomAttribute, "mysafe"); // can detect name clash
__traits(declareCustomAttribute, "mytrusted");
__traits(declareCustomAttribute, "mysystem");
__traits(attribSetMutuallyExclusiveWithDefault, ["mysafe", "mytrusted","mysystem"],"mysystem");
__traits(registerStaticChecker, "mysafe", CheckMysafe);

(the traits could be replaced by better syntax, of course)

and then we could use int main() @mysafe {} which would automatically be checked.

There should also be some way to parameterize custom attributes, and to perform code transformations (probably that would require AST-macros and AST-pattern matching to be nice)

__traits(declareCustomAttribute, "memoized(int=int.max)"); // maximum size of hash table.

int foo(int x)@memoized(100){ ... } // memoize at most 100 values

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