I should also note that I ripped these out of an existing code base without thinking too much, feel free to ping me about any stupid documentation, etc. oversights.


On 9/4/11 2:46 AM, David Nadlinger wrote:
As we currently aren't reviewing anything (We still need a review
manager for David's RegionAllocator or whatever we decide to receive
next? Do you want to get things going Jonathan? Should I do it again?
Anybody else?), I thought I would take the opportunity to ask for
comments on a few little template metaprogramming helpers:


Besides a few helpers for manipulating/combining template predicates,
the above link contains three main:

StaticFilter – like std.algorithm.filter, but for type tuples using
template predicates.
PApply – like the unluckily named std.functional.curry, but for template
Compose - alias Compose!(A, B, C) Comp; // Comp!D is now A!(B!(C!D)).

I had originally whipped these up on the fly while working on some
metaprogramming-heavy code, but they have proven useful in other
projects as well. What do you think? Would some of these be worthy
additions to Phobos? Do you have similar stuff lying around in your own


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