I am not experienced in the d programming langage, so rather than 
writing a real review, I will just ask questions when I am confused. I 
may be confused because I am not very experienced, but I may also 
valuables hints to make things clearer to other experienced or not so 
experienced d programmers.

Concerning the gcallocator API, why is there no template method that 
forwards to new T? Is the user obliged to call allocate, and then 
initialise the object manually?

Would it not be useful if all Allocators use Exceptions that derives 
from the same Exception subtype ?

Now about RegionAllocator... I took me a lot of time to understand how 
it works, and I am not 100% sure about how it works. I had to rewrite my 
review when I understood something new and discovered what I had 
understood before was false.

This is how I think it works now: Several copies of a RegionAllocator 
works just the same. When the last is destroyed, all the memory 
allocated is cleared. You can build a RegionAllocator that uses the same 
stack as the previous RegionAllocator. This "pauses" all the copies of 
the previous allocator: they can no longer allocate or free memory until 
all the copies of the new RegionAllocator are destroyed.

Is this "pause" behavior really a desirable functionnality? This makes 
the whole behavior of RegionAllocator very confusing, because you have 
to make the disctinction between copies of a RegionAllocator and 
RegionAllocator that shares the same Stack. Well... copies of a 
RegionAllocator do share the same Stack, so it is confusing.

Moreover, it is rather dangerous to use. What if a copy of a 
RegionAllocator sharing the same stack as a previous RegionAllocator is 
kept unexpectedly alive somewhere while the previous RegionAllocator 
goes back into action? What happens if all copies of a RegionAllocator 
dies when a RegionAllocator using the same Stack and created later is 
still alive? I use 'die' and 'alive' to emphasize the fact that when you 
copy those objects you don't control everything that happens to them. 
Those allocators are supposed to be put in containers or things like 
that, aren't they ? They might really have a life of their own (I would 
rather have them being classes that you eventually make scope classes, 
but that is not the main point). This behavior is IMO too dangerous to 
be desirable in the standard library, especially if users just start to 
make newRegionAllocator and do not realize they prevent each other from 
working fine.

If I admit that the behavior of RegionAllocator sharing the same stack 
but are not direct copies of each other is really what expert users 
want, this is badly documented:
- regionAllocatorStack.newRegionAllocator does not tell it invalidates 
the use of previously created newRegionAllocators.
- Same for .newRegionAllocator. Moreover, the name of this function is 
very confusing. One could think it is brand new, whereas it reuses the 
same thread-local stack.
- Introduction of RegionAllocator comment do not tell that copies of a 
RegionAllocator are different from RegionAllocators sharing the same 
stack (but that do not share the same correctRegionIndex).
- regionAllocator.allocate do not tell it checks it is the lastly 
created RegionAllocator that shares the same stack (but not the same 

Now, do the users of RegionAllocator really want memory to be 
automatically freed when the RegionAllocator is destructed with no 
explicit request, and no way to prevent this?

Important point:
opAssigns seems not to support self assignment of a unique copy of a 

I am really sorry if I sound too agressive, and make it sound like all 
these functionality are not useful. This RegionAllocator may have 
applications and advantages that I am not aware of. I just tought when I 
started to read the documentation and the code that this allocator would 
bring to the standard library an easy and rather safe way to allocate 
memory on a stack by moving a pointer up and down when memory is 
requested or discarded, whereas this allocator is much more complicated 
than that.

Christophe Travert

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