All excellent points Gor.

I'd like to point out that Java faced nearly the same issues (one difference
is it had Sun backing it) and yet it overcame those hurdles.

I believe it became as popular as it did because of the JDK, not because of
the language itself. (I actually called v1.0 a "toy language" :) The
decisions by individual companies to use Java were tipped in its favor
because so much free code is available in the JDK. There was a cost/benefit
analysis done: the overall time to write new or convert old applications is
going to be less than the additional time required to learn the new language
, new tools, overcome bugs, etc., therefore go with Java. From a managerial
point of view, it's simple: less code my team writes => better.

Having said that, D is, in my opinion, ripe for creating a full featured
development suite (DeeDk?). A lot of the language features themselves
clearly support library writers in much better ways than Java. Of course, it
is an overwhelming amount of work...


On Wed, Sep 21, 2011 at 2:18 AM, Gor Gyolchanyan <> wrote:

> Preface:
> Back when i didn't know about D's existence, C++ was my favorite language.

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