It's great that you have taken an interest in the development of D!

Some of this is already in the language in other forms (enum, for instance) 
and some has been discussed before (searching the newsgroup archive for 
static arguments should find it) and rejected.  The bar for new language 
features is pretty high at this point, and new features that don't add 
important new functionality or remove serious problems are very unlikely to 
make it in. (With some exceptions)

To make a stronger proposal, try going into more depth about what problems 
this enhancement can solve and why they can't be solved using existing 

As for implementing this feature, it would require a huge amount of work on 
dmd.  I'd suggest having a go at some of the 1000+ existing bugs before 
trying to implement highly complex features in the compiler.

That said, I don't make the decisions with regard to new language features. 
An idea that comes with an implementation always has more chance of getting 
a serious review from the core language designers. 

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