On Thu, 22 Sep 2011 22:54:55 +0200, Andrei Alexandrescu <seewebsiteforem...@erdani.org> wrote:

On 9/21/11 5:17 PM, Walter Bright wrote:
I've collected a few from various languages for comparison:

I think we should do the following:

1. Introduce a new token "=>"

2. Add this rewrite to the grammar:

symbol => expression

translates to

(symbol) { return expression; }

3. Add this rewrite to the grammar:

symbol1 symbol2 => expression

translates to

(symbol1 symbol2) { return expression; }

4. Add this rewrite to the grammar:

(comma_separated_parms) => expression

translates to

(comma_separated_parms) => expression

Each item in comma_separated_parms may be 1 or 2 symbols separated by whitespace. Example:

(int a, b) => a + b

is valid and translates to (int a, b) { return a + b; }

5. The expression cannot contain commas at top level; an unparenthesized comma is considered to finish expression, just like in a function call's argument list. For example:

fun(int a => a + 1, a + 2)

is interpreted as

fun((int a => a + 1), (a + 2))

To use comma inside expression, add parens around it.

5. Remove bugs and limitations. A function literal may specify none, all, or some parameter types, and the compiler correctly figures out the appropriate template and non-template parameters. The literal subsequently converts to function pointer or delegate whenever there's a match of parameter and result types.


I want to add some points against introducing this particular syntax.

1. Foremost using '=>' is unfamiliar. Comming from C++ or Java you really have to learn reading it. If you weighted the lambda syntaxes with the tiobe factor, arrows would be a minority.

How often have you stopped reading about a language because the code examples were unreadable? Besides my liking for haskell, I don't want to see anything close to this on the D site.

mergesortBy less [] = []
mergesortBy less xs = head $ until (null.tail) pairs [[x] | x <- xs]
    pairs (x:y:t) = merge x y : pairs t
    pairs xs      = xs
    merge (x:xs) (y:ys) | less y x  = y : merge (x:xs) ys
                        | otherwise = x : merge  xs (y:ys)
    merge  xs     ys                = xs ++ ys

2. D is not a functional language, using the implies arrow in 'a => write(1, a.ptr, a.length)' creates a horribly association.

3. I don't see any of the proposed rewrites is working for nullary delegates.
   '=> foo()' ???
   Or '_ => foo()' => 'Error can't deduce parameter'.

4. The expression is badly delimited.
   The first rewrite symbol => expression
   is actually symbol => expression\{CommaExpression, CatExpression}.

     dgs ~= (int a) => (a + 5) ~ (int a) => (a ^^ 2);
     foo(a, b => (log(b), b), c)
And that with a pending tuple syntax reclaming even more parens, comma overloads.

So D is a curly bracket language.
What is wrong the, I think earlier proposed, very simple solution.


    function Typeopt ParameterAttributes opt FunctionLiteralBody
    delegate Typeopt ParameterAttributes opt FunctionLiteralBody
    ParameterAttributes FunctionLiteralBody

    Parameters FunctionAttributes

    '{' Expression '}'

(a, b) {a+b}         // takes the same amount of characters
(a, b) {return a+b;} // return is no expression, be explicit
    () {call()}      // nullary

dgs ~= (int a){a + 5} ~ (int a){a ^^ 2};
foo(a, (b){log(b), b}, c)

You still can use the old variant without totally diverging in syntax.

 - It is brief
 - It uses very little syntax changes => less unknown traps


I'm very undecided whether this should apply to functions too.
size_t foo() { 6 }

D already seems to have the briefest delegates.

One can use a full function body for delegates including contracts.
auto dg = delegate uint(int a) in{ assert(a >= 3); } body { return a - 3; };

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