On 2011-09-25 02:52:47 +0000, Andrei Alexandrescu <seewebsiteforem...@erdani.org> said:

On 9/24/11 9:31 PM, Michel Fortin wrote:
Perhaps I am missing the point. What would be gained by forcing
this(this) to be nothrow?

It further frees the standard library to cater for the throwing case.

Concretely, what does it simplifies?

Does it only simplifies the documentation of algorithms? … in that most algorithms doing copies should mention that throwing during copy may leave some mutated data structure in some kind of a half processed state. I don't think that would surprise anyone.

That said, I would certainly recommend not throwing inside this(this), but I don't think this recommendation should be enforced by the language. I think forcing it to be nothrow would encourage people to silently ignore exceptions with try {…} catch (…) {}. Unless you catch all exceptions like that, nothrow will prevent you from calling many functions which could be reasonable to call otherwise, such as writeln, or from incrementing a reference counter checking for overflow.

Michel Fortin

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