On Mon, 26 Sep 2011 05:03:32 +0300, Adam D. Ruppe <destructiona...@gmail.com> wrote:

bearophile wrote:
Is the micron symbol visible on Windows too?

Yes, of course.

It's a matter of fonts though - if you don't have the character
in your font (regardless of operating system) it might not show.

The micro sign is very common though, so unlikely to have
any font without it.

Have you tried it? It's not a matter of installed fonts.

There are two problems with Unicode characters in console D programs:

1. The default code page on Windows is practically never UTF-8.

You could change the code page to UTF-8 using SetConsoleOutputCP, but weird things happen if you don't change it back before your program exits: if your program was called from a batch file, all batch files are instantly aborted.

2. The default font for the Windows console is not a Unicode font.

Best regards,
 Vladimir                            mailto:vladi...@thecybershadow.net

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