On 2011-10-04 01:37, bearophile wrote:
Predicates are quite common. In D I presume the standard way to write them is with a name 
like "isFoo". In other languages they are written in other ways:

if (foo.isEven) {}
if (foo.isEven()) {}

if (foo.evenQ) {}
if (foo.evenQ()) {}

if (foo.even?) {}
if (foo.even?()) {}

Other usages:

areInside ==>  inside?

I don't remember serious recent discussions here about that last form. Allowing 
a single trailing question mark in D names has some advantages:

1) It gives a standard way to denote a predicate, so it becomes very easy to 
tell apart a predicate from other non predicate things.

2) It allows for short names.

3) A single question mark is easy and quick to write on most keyboards.

4) It is used in other languages, as Ruby, and people seem to appreciate it.

5) Its meaning is probably easy enough to understand and remember.

Some disadvantages:
1) "?" makes code less easy to read aloud.

2) It is less good to use the trailing "?" in functions that aren't properties, 
the syntax becomes less nice looking:
if (foo.even()?)

Why would you put the question mark after the parentheses. At least in Ruby the question mark is part of the method name. This looks better:

if (foo.even?())

3) The usage of the trailing "?" in names forbids later different usages for 
it, like denoting nullable types.

4) In expressions that use the ternary operator and a property predicate 
(without leading ()) it becomes a bit less easy to read (example from 

string customerName = user.loggedIn? ? user.name : "Who are you?";

I think this too gets accepted:
string customerName = user.loggedIn??user.name:"Who are you?";

This is not accepted in Ruby. You need a space after the second question mark. If this would be implemented I would vote for requiring a space after the first question mark as well.

I vaguely like the idea of using a trailing question mark in predicate names.


What about allowing method names like Scala does, containing arbitrary symbols.

void ::: (int a) {}

I assume that will complicate the language quite a lot.

/Jacob Carlborg

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