Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:
1. MFC had at a point a wizard that generated one struct per resultset.
It was an absolute maintenance disaster and they recanted by offering
dynamically-bound result sets. The lesson there is that defining a
struct for each query won't likely play out, so we better use
Tuple!(ColType1, ColType2, ...). A possible API would be:
auto db = std.database.connect("cdb.mysql");
auto rows = db.sql!(double, ulong)
("SELECT SUM(x), COUNT(x) FROM table");
// We know that rows is a range of Tuple!(double, ulong).
writeln("Sum is ", rows.front[0], " count is ", rows.front[1]);
Cool beans. I'd love to use such an API!
Did you see ? It maps tuples,
structs and arrays in similar manner.