On 10/8/11 8:36 AM, Adam Burton wrote:
I'd also like to get a feel for the magnitude of the task, so I'd like to
ask what database systems you think should be supported.
mysql, postgresql, sqllite are the 3 I am aiming at in my personal

I had lunch yesterday with a database expert and discussed the matter with him. He advised that we take a driver-oriented approach in which we define a common API for all databases (modeled at high level after e.g. JDBC to reuse that accumulated experience), and then define a few drivers for popular DBMSs in hope that users interested in supporting additional DBMSs will contribute additional drivers using the initial drivers as a template. Eventually when D and its database API become successful, DBMS providers themselves will write the drivers.

It would be great if we could leverage another already widespread driver architecture. There are two that come to mind, and I looked into both: JDBC and ODBC. The first requires either bridging into Java or translating Java driver code to D. The second is widespread on Windows but less so on other OSs. So probably we'll need to define our own drivers. (This also brings dynamic linking as a possibility.)


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