On 10/16/2011 10:24 PM, Gor Gyolchanyan wrote:
I think there might be a few tricks to improve the C API without
adding any new code.
For example, replace by-pointer parameter declarations with _out_
parameters when applicable (the underlying function signature is the
same), replace const parameters with in parameters, etc.
This won't change the C API a single bit (won't even add new code),
but will vastly improve readability and sometimes safety of the API.
In other cases, some minor additions could be made, for example:
libjpeg provides API to register error handlers, instead of setting
errno and such. Those kind of situations could be used to throw
exceptions. It only takes a static this() and a few lines of code.
In case those kind of modifications/additions are made, there could be
a standard way to disable them and use the original version.

If you want to add a layer on top of the C API, that would be fine. std.zlib is an example of that.

But the idea of CAPI is NOT to add a layer. Not fix, extend, refactor, improve, 

Just the thinnest possible direct calls to the C API. Any improvements, fixes, whatever, should be a separate project.

I know the urge to do these fixes can be overpowering, but they end badly every time. It's like trying to mix the language's lexer up with the semantic analysis :-)

They really are better off being separate and distinct.

For one thing, it makes the inevitable maintenance *FAR* easier, as those C APIs will change. Updating the corresponding D module becomes simple then - just a line by line comparison and tweaking. There would be no tearing of hair and rending of garments.

For another it means you'll have to regenerate the C documentation, but with all the changes you made. Then, as the C guys improve their documentation, your layer falls behind, gets neglected, and finally sucks in comparison.

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