On 19.10.2011 20:12, dsimcha wrote:
== Quote from Don (nos...@nospam.com)'s article
In D2 prior to 2.048, sqrt(2) does not compile. The reason is that it's
ambiguous whether it is sqrt(2.0), sqrt(2.0L), or sqrt(2.0f). This also
applies to _any_ function which has overloads for more than one floating
point type.
In D2 between versions 2.049 and the present, sqrt(2) compiles due to
the request of a small number of people (2-3, I think). But still, no
other floating point function works with integer literals.
The "bug" being fixed was
Bugzilla 4455: Taking the sqrt of an integer shouldn't require an
explicit cast.
This compiles only due to an awful, undocumented hack in std.math. It
doesn't work for any function other than sqrt. I protested strongly
against this, but accepted it only on the proviso that we would fix
integer literal conversions to floating point in _all_ cases, so that
the hack could be removed.
However, when I proposed the fix on the newsgroup (integer literals
should have a preferred conversion to double), it was *unanimously*
rejected. Those who had argued for the hack were conspicuously absent.
The hack must go.

No.  Something as simple as sqrt(2) must work at all costs, period.

Where the hell were you when I made that proposal before?
Frankly, I'm pissed off that you guys bullied me into putting an *awful* temporary hack into std.math, and then gave me no support when the idea got shouted down on the ng.

A language
that adds a bunch of silly complications to something this simple is 
broken.  I don't remember your post on implicit preferred conversions, but IMHO
implicit conversions of integer to double is a no-brainer.  Requiring something
this simple to be explicit is Java/Pascal-like overkill on explicitness.

The bottom line: the hack MUST go. Either we fix this properly, as I suggested, or else it must not compile.

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