On Thu, 20 Oct 2011 09:46:09 -0400, J Arrizza <cppge...@gmail.com> wrote:

Maybe I'm doing something else incorrectly:


which still seems to support that typeof() doesn't return the underlying

typeid is not typeof.  Reread the response below.

However, note that typeid returns a TypeInfo object, which is used at runtime, not at compile time. D's runtime type info is very limited, so you may not be able to get what you are looking for.


On Thu, Oct 20, 2011 at 12:25 AM, Jens Mueller <jens.k.muel...@gmx.de>wrote:

J Arrizza wrote:
> typeof returns the type of the object given to it:
>     SomeClass sc;
>     typeof(sc)  // returns SomeClass
>     Object o = sc;
>     typeof(o) // returns Object
> Is there a way or call to get the underlying type?:
>     typeof2(o) //returns SomeClass
> I checked the online doc, but nothing in the Declarations section that I
> could see.

typeid should work.


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