On 20 October 2011 17:28, Simen Kjaeraas <simen.kja...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On Thu, 20 Oct 2011 15:54:48 +0200, Manu <turkey...@gmail.com> wrote:
>  I could only support 2 if it chooses 'float', the highest performance
>> version on all architectures AND actually available on all architectures;
>> given this is meant to be a systems programming language, and supporting
>> as
>> many architectures as possible?
> D specifically supports double (as a 64-bit float), regardless of the
> actual hardware. Also, the D way is to make the correct way simple, the
> fast way possible. This is clearly in favor of not using float, which
> *would* lead to precision loss.

Correct, on all architectures I'm aware of that don't have hardware double
support, double is emulated, and that is EXTREMELY slow.
I can't imagine any case where causing implicit (hidden) emulation of
unsupported hardware should be considered 'correct', and therefore made

The reason I'm so concerned about this, is not for what I may or may not do
in my code, I'm likely to be careful, but imagine some cool library that I
want to make use of... some programmer has gone and written 'x = sqrt(2)'
in this library somewhere; they don't require double precision, but it was
implicitly used regardless of their intent. Now I can't use that library in
my project.
Any library that wasn't written with the intent of use in embedded systems
in mind, that happens to omit all of 2 characters from their float literal,
can no longer be used in my project. This makes me sad.

I'd also like you to ask yourself realistically, of all the integers you've
EVER cast to/from a float, how many have ever been a big/huge number? And
if/when that occurred, what did you do with it? Was the precision
important? Was it important enough to you to explicitly state the cast?
The moment you use it in a mathematical operation you are likely throwing
away a bunch of precision anyway, especially for the complex functions like
sqrt/log/etc in question.

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