Just need to vent a little about this...

This is very nice:

class Foo
    string doSomething(string str)
    { return ...; }

    void blah(int[] arr, string[] defines)
        auto a = arr .filter!"a<10"() .map!"a*2"() .reduce!"a+b"();
        auto b = defines.map!`"--define="~a`() .join(" ") .to!string() 

        // ---- or ----

        auto a = arr

        auto b = defines
            .map!`"--define=" ~ a`()
            .join(" ")

...except for the fact it don't work. Instead, we do:

class Foo
    string doSomething(string str)
    { return ...; }

    void blah(int[] arr, string[] defines)
        auto a = reduce!"a+b"( map!"a*2"( filter!"a<10"(arr) ) );
        auto b = doSomething( to!string( join(map!`"--define=" ~ 
a`(defines), " ") ) );

        // ---- or ----

        auto a = reduce!"a+b"(
        auto b = doSomething(
                    map!`"--define=" ~ a`(defines),
                    " "

        // ---- or ----

        // ..."make a bunch of useless temps" example omitted b/c I don't 
feel like writing it...

Fucking butt-ugly. (Translation: Next-to-impossible to read.)

That's all I wanted to say.  /transmission-end

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