I wanted to thank the D community for getting us involved in GSoC and giving me the opportunity to attend the Mentor Summit, which was this weekend. I was pleasantly surprised to find out that most hardcore programmers have at least heard of D by now, at least if the Mentor Summit was a representative sample of hardcore programmers that I had never talked to before. There seemed to be substantial interest in it from the informal conversations I had over meals, etc.

I got the impression that D is not being used partly because of the obvious reasons (lack of libraries, legacy code in other languages) but also partly because most people, even if they've heard of it, don't know what its most important features/benefits are. I think that we need to develop a short, memorable "elevator speech" version of its selling points, even if we ignore some substantial areas in doing so. The one I used was basically "compile-time metaprogramming on steroids, static if, CTFE, string mixins, see std.algorithm, std.range and std.parallelism for examples".

I was also frequently asked about D's compatibility with C and C++. The impression I get is that we would do well to highlight our ease of integrating with C more in our marketing, especially now that we have Deimos.

BTW, Fawzi Mohammed was also at the Mentor Summit and may have additional comments. I'd be interested to see him weigh in on this thread.

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