> When using pattern matching, explicit template arguments are necessary.
> You probably don't want that, the following code does not need them:
> void abc(T)(T parm1) if(!isDynamicArray!T)
> {
>    writeln("simpleparm: ", parm1);
> }
> void abc(T)(T parm1) if(isDynamicArray!T){
>    writeln("array : ", parm1);
> }

The output is:

simpleparm: 1
dynamic array : str
dynamic array : [1, 2]

which sort of makes sense, but doesn't fit my app. It is possible to treat
a string as an array of characters, but in my case I  want to treat them as
a single entity. The whole purpose of the array specialization is to
search/manipulate/compare the individual elements of an array... except for

Ok, so I modified a little to take care of strings. But I also added
another test for a static array and it's not playing nice anymore.

void abc(T, U=void) (T parm1)
  writeln("simpleparm: ", parm1);

void abc(T: string) (T parm1)
  writeln("string : ", parm1);

void abc(T:U[], U) (T parm1)
  if (isDynamicArray!T)
  writeln("dynamic array : ", parm1);

void abc(T:U[], U) (T parm1)
  if (!isDynamicArray!T)  //tried isStaticArray as well here
  writeln("static array : ", parm1);

void main(string[] args)
    int[] arr = [1, 2];
    int[2] arr2 =[3, 4];
    writeln("arr2 ", __traits(isStaticArray, arr2));

Output is:

simpleparm: 1
string : str
dynamic array : [1, 2]
arr2 true
simpleparm: [3, 4]      // should be "static array: [3, 4]"


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