As it stands right now, ranges are quite inefficient. Phobos is designed with an emphasis on ranges, including in performance-sensitive code such as std.algorithm. No matter how optimized the range is, it will always be slower than the equivalent opApply function (and, as far as I can tell, offers no benefit for just iteration).

The fastest way of iterating over anything currently, is foreach over an array. It beats even for(size_t i 0 to length-1) by a decent bit. The lowest level range for all ranges is almost always an array (that is, if you have a range using a range ... using a range, it is likely that the last range is an array or uses an array). By implementing an opApply for these ranges, that calls opApply on the wrapped range or wrapped array (or other), you can basically double the performance cost of iterating (for many iterations over a small body). It is not possible to make the compiler-generated opApply make this optimization, as it does not know what the underlying data for the range is.

Creating an opApply can be done on a per-range basis for ranges that are used in performance-sensitive code (such as countUntil). If the manual opApply foreach's over the input range, and the input range has a similar manual opApply, there are fair performance benefits. If the underlying range does not have a manual opApply, there will still be some performance benefits, and does not break code in any way. If all ranges being used have opApply and the last range is an array, then performance benefits are very significant.

As an example, I made a test of 5 different ways of implementing std.algorithm.filter, and two tests of another filter on top of the output from the first one, one with a manual opApply, and one without. Basically, a manual opApply was over twice as fast. The code and results can be found at Ultimately, nothing is as fast as just doing a foreach yourself, but that's to be expected. It can be however, be easily made that the difference is not as extreme as it currently is.

So, should Phobos ranges attempt to have a manual opApply where feasibly being used in performance sensitive code?

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