
> And then there is Chapel, but I think you already know about it.

I have presented Chapel here few times, but I have only written some small 
programs with it.

> I like its 'Configs' features, but that's a small one.

This small feature is quickly described at page 12 here:

  config type-alias-declaration
  config declaration

  - Like normal, but supports command-line 
  - Must be declared at module/file scope

  config param intSize = 32; 
  config type elementType = real(32);
  config const epsilon = 0.01:elementType; 
  config var start = 1:int(intSize);

% chpl myProgram.chpl -sintSize=64 -selementType=real
% a.out --start=2 --epsilon=0.00001

It allows to give at compile-time the values of global constants (even floating 
point values, and even types) that are tagged with "config", and at run-time 
the values of global (module-level) variables.

It's handy for the purpose Chapel programs are written, like to to parametrize 
physics simulation parameters.

In D if you want to change the constants and you don't want to touch the source 
file modules, you have to write your values in a little text file, that the 
program "includes" as raw text. This is not handy. So the Configs feature is 
nice, for certain kinds of programs (D is useful for the same kinds of programs 


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