On Mon, Oct 24, 2011 at 12:47 AM, Jacob Carlborg <d...@me.com> wrote:

> You can foreach over ModuleInfo and access the classes using
> "localClasses". Have a look at the implementation of
> object.TypeInfo_Class.find in druntime.
> --
> /Jacob Carlborg

And here is the last piece of the puzzle:

void main(string[] args)
    foreach(m; ModuleInfo)
        //there are many modules, only choose what we're interested in
        if (!startsWith(m.name, "dt"))

        writeln("==== module: ", m.name);
        foreach(c; m.localClasses)
          //need to exclude Base
          if (!startsWith(c.name, m.name ~ ".X"))
          writeln("==== class:", c.name);
          auto obj = Object.factory(c.name);

with the output:

$ rm -f dtest; dmd   dtest.d variant.d  -ofdtest; ./dtest
==== module: dtest
==== class:dtest.XBob
RunAllIn: dtest.XBob
== i=2  m=inBob1
   in bob : inBob1()
== i=3  m=inBob2
   in bob : inBob2()
==== class:dtest.XJane
RunAllIn: dtest.XJane
== i=1  m=inJane1
   in jane : inJane1()
== i=2  m=inJane2
   in jane : inJane2()

Many thanks Jacob!


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