Le 08/11/2011 15:16, Gor Gyolchanyan a écrit :
Makes sense, but it looks ugly. I don't know about others, but for me
underscores in names are associated with things, that you shouldn't
touch (including private data and functions).
Uppercase, on the other hand is associated with high-level constructs
(which are usually in user-space only).
This leads to the conclusion, that keywords should be short lowercase
one-word identifiers.


To resolve the accurately noticed "ugly space" we could require
parenthesis. const, shared and immutable use parentheses and it looks
very elegant.

auto(const) and auto(ref) looks better, then auto const and auto ref, IMO.

Parenthesis are painful to write on some keyboard. We should use them only to desembiguate when appropriate, not as a main syntax. This is why I advocate for this construct having its own keyword.

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