As a language claiming for itself it was created out of practical needs of 
programmers I must say D fails on that test (both compilers and D website). It 
is not user friendly. It is user hostile, for simplest and most common tasks. 
Especially for newbie programmers.

It was like that 4 years ago when I first saw it, and it is much like that now.

You people should really hire some non-programmers with documenting skill and 
knack for KISS principle to make D website and documentation. It is obvious 
that Walter, Andrei and the rest of core people are highly skilled in their 
field of work, but not interested, available or competent to present D 
complexity in simple, right-to-the point way.

I guess it is so much more fun to add new features and optimize code than to 
organize and present all the documentation the way it can be useful.

And come on, BUD like feature is first useful thing compilers are lacking. 
Talking about practical need.

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