On Mon, 21 Nov 2011 18:27:42 +0100, Jacob Carlborg <d...@me.com> wrote:

On 2011-11-21 17:58, Dejan Lekic wrote:
On a second thought... Why would that be a problem? Even if hundreds of
packages are inside $HOME/include/d/deimos ??? The -I$HOME/include/d/deimos will just inform compiler where to look for modules. Is the "-I" flag really
such an overhead? o.O

No, I don't think it's any overhead. But I want this to be handled by a package manager. I want a file that says: "this project depends on these libraries". Then it's up to the package manager to install and make them available for the compiler.

That's the decision to be made. I'd personally prefer a library/package approach for deimos as such. At best import deimos.ncurses or import deimos.zeromq would be everything
thats needed.
OTOH the D-Programming-Deimos is already suggesting to rather use a package per binding approach and if people wanted to distribute additional files it'd be the only sensible choice.
Still I think this will loose some consistency.

By the way, how have you settled to request for adding a repository?


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