On 11/28/2011 02:29 PM, so wrote:
On Mon, 28 Nov 2011 13:58:25 +0200, Max Samukha <max...@spambox.com> wrote:

How would you write libraries?

The way they do, for example, in C# - interface definitions are stored
in the library, no need for separate headers.

Are we talking about the same thing?
Something like

So it does what auto-generated .di files does, and turns it into an
abomination, it relies on an IDE feature?

No, it has nothing to do with the IDE. The article describes a visual tool for viewing meta-data stored in a .NET binary. You don't have to use it.

Specially for you, die-hard IDE haters, this is how to use the terminal to create a mono app and library:

1. Library:

nano lib.cs
using System;

public class Lib
public static void hello() { Console.WriteLine("We don't need no header crap"); }

Compile that into a library, lib.dll:

dmcs lib.cs -target:library

2. Host:

nano app.cs
class App
    public static void Main()

Compile and run the app:

dmcs app.cs -reference:lib.dll
We don't need no header crap


Amazing, so now "programmer" means VisualStudio user? Probably this is
why everyone using only C/C++ for serious library development.

Your information about "serious" programming is a bit outdated.

(Please don't take it personal, this is my usual tone)

No problem.

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