Am 01.12.2011 18:12, schrieb Andrei Alexandrescu:
On 12/1/11 3:38 AM, Regan Heath wrote:
I think one reason for the movement toward Java and JVM style languages
is that hardware is getting cheaper and cheaper, and developers cost the
same or more.

Well, that trend may be stalling.


I would like to as well actually.

One reason I have been paying more atention to Go and D among others, is that even though I admire all the advantages of the current VM environments, I also am starting to miss the times of native compilation, being old enough to still remember Z80 assembly.

Recently I tried to call for attention to our local team that alongside
JVM and .Net projects, we could tackle some C++. I even gave WinRT,
iPhone, Facebook's PHP->C++ compiler, Qt and Android NDK as examples.

The guy's response was 'Oh I though C++ was no longer relevant', and the
matter was closed.


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