line <700 is ok work.
line > 707 It does not work.

"Jesse Phillips" <> ???? 
> On Fri, 2 Dec 2011 00:58:23 +0800
> "sdv" <> wrote:
>> // a.d
>> struct demo
>> {
>>     char lin1;
>>     char lin2;
>>     .
>>     ..
>>     ...
>>     ....
>>     char lin707;
>> }
>> dmd.exe -c "a.d" -of "a.obj" -gc -debug
>> dmd.exe "a.obj" -gc -debug -L/IMPLIB:a.lib -ofa.dll
>> It does not work
> You should provide the error. Also your command doesn't resemble the
> example on
> C:>dmd -ofmydll.dll -L/IMPLIB mydll.d dll.d mydll.def 

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